Following the tragic incident known as the “Todd Road Incident,” emerged a beacon of hope. Leadership Montgomery was established to unite diverse community leaders, foster communication, embrace change, harness diversity, and tackle pressing community issues.
As we celebrate our 40th Anniversary, Leadership Montgomery is honoring its founding by collaborating with the Montgomery Historical Preservation Commission to show the “Todd Road Incident” short film created by Leadership Montgomery Class XXVII, Project Team #7, on May 14, 2024, 5:30-6:30pm.
Prepare for an unforgettable evening as the Montgomery Historical Preservation Commission and Leadership Montgomery proudly presents a special viewing of the Todd Road Incident short film! This historical event marks a pivotal moment in Leadership Montgomery's history and serves as a catalyst for meaningful dialogue and community unity.
Join us for an hour-long experience where we'll come together to watch the film, delve into thought-provoking discussions led by the esteemed Dr. Richard Bailey, Chair of the Historic Preservation Commission, and embark on a journey towards more profound understanding and common ground. Don't miss out on this captivating opportunity to be part of an engaging and enlightening event!