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Join a distinguished network of leaders dedicated to making

Montgomery a better place to live, work, and play.

About the Class

The Legacy class was designed over three decades ago for the purpose of bringing leaders of the black community and white community (which was greatly divided at that time) together to study and solve critical issues that affected the community.  And, more importantly at the time, to get to know one another and to develop real relationships for the betterment of Montgomery, Alabama.

Utilizing the expertise of established community leaders, combined with site tours, panel interviews, interactive sessions and hot topic discussions, this intense nine month curriculum for established leaders examines areas such as education, healthcare, the economy, public service sectors, and the roles of local, state and federal government. With an emphasis on servant leadership, the Legacy experience includes a small group project designed to directly impact the community and address an identified need.

Who Should Apply?

The Legacy Class is designed for seasoned professionals, 40 years old and above, who live or work in Montgomery County and who are involved or have a desire to be involved in the community, have a history of volunteerism and service.  Because of career demands, some candidates may have been unable to study in depth areas of the community, that would have enhanced their understanding of issues facing our city.  The ideal candidate is a seasoned community leader . . .

  • Has a history of community involvement and community service in a number of areas
  • Has demonstrated concern and interest in the city of Montgomery and its future
  • Has demonstrated leadership ability through significant achievements relevant to age and experience
  • Is committed to participating fully in the program
  • Has the full support of the business or organization the applicant represents

Benefits for Organizations

Stronger Employees - Staff members who have a better understanding of who they are, their personal and professional strengths and the critical issues facing the community

Stronger Leaders within the Company - Employees who are well versed in team building, delivering presentations, and working with others as part of a team

Visibility for Your Organization - Visibility within the community as an organization committed to professional development and staff enhancement

Prominence within the Community -  Prominence as an organization or business committed to the enhancement of the community through community projects and volunteerism

Benefits for Individuals

Expanded Network - Increased network of friends and acquaintances

Community Awareness - Enhanced knowledge and understanding of the critical issues affecting the community

Increased Involvement - Equipped with the tools necessary for increased community involvement and the solution of critical community issues

Personal Engagement - Opportunity to examine personal beliefs, seek facts, and delve deeper into the issues affecting us all

Hands-On - Opportunity to work with others and with area non-profits to solve a real community problem

Increased Tolerance - Expanded understanding of people and beliefs that may be different from their own

Post Graduation - Legacy Class Alumni Organization

Since its inception in 1984, Legacy Class Alumni have played an integral role in the continued growth, development and strength of the Montgomery community.  Numbering over 1,700 individuals, Legacy Class Alumni serve on over 125 different boards and committees and contribute over 4.000 hours of community service each year.  Included as part of the sponsored alumni activities are events such as community networking breakfasts, alumni reunions, community conversations on critical issues and popular networking events.

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