Standing Committees
Executive Committee (Comprised of Officers of the Board of Directors)
Purpose: The primary function of the Executive Committee is to exercise powers of the Board of Directors on matters of important business which arise between regularly scheduled Board meetings or when it is not practical or feasible for the Board to meet.
Development Committee
Purpose: As part of Leadership Montgomery’s dedication to the 21st Century best practice governance model, the Development Committee is appointed by the Board Chair to effectively engage every member in the fundraising process and to assist in the development of partnerships that will facilitate a strong foundation for continued community support.
Finance and Investment Committee
Purpose: As part of Leadership Montgomery’s dedication to the 21st Century best practice governance model, the Finance and Investment Committee is appointed by the Board Chair to insure the Organization is in good fiscal health.
- The committee shall consist of the Committee Chairman (Treasurer), the Board Chair, at least one other board member and up to three additional alumni.
- The committee shall prepare an itemized annual budget for the upcoming year, make recommendations about the tuition for the following year, and present the budget for board approval. The Finance Committee shall monitor compliance with this budget.
- Any requests for a deviation from particular committee budgets shall be referred to the Treasurer, who will be responsible for consulting with the Board Chair and the President.
- The Finance Committee shall oversee the fund-raising efforts of Leadership Montgomery. It may designate a ways and means subcommittee to assist in these efforts.
- The President of Leadership Montgomery is responsible for performing the accounting functions and paying the bills of Leadership Montgomery.
Governance Committee
Purpose: The governance committee is one of the most influential standing committees of the board. Sometimes called the nominating committee, the governance committee’s main role is to assist in the recruitment of new board members and to assure that each board member is equipped with the proper tools and motivation to carry out his and her responsibilities.
Some specific duties of a governance committee include:
- Assessing the board’s current composition and identifying missing qualities and characteristics.
- Drafting a recruitment plan in conjunction with the Recruit and Select Committee members and continuously cultivating new prospects.
- Developing job descriptions for board members.
- Orienting new board members and continuing to educate all members on their responsibilities.
- Assuring that the board regularly engages in self-assessment and evaluations.
- Assisting the Board Chair and President with committee appointments and assignments.
(Board committees are formed from the board members of the organization, and organizational committees are formed from the organizational or the alumni of the organization.)
Recruit and Select Committee
Purpose: This committee is appointed by the Board Chair to help lead the board in identifying and selecting a cadre of highly motivated leaders to participate in the annual Leadership Montgomery class programs. This committee functions throughout the year, recruiting and encouraging experienced community leaders to make application to the programs. As much as possible, these potential class members will represent the diverse segments of Montgomery. At the conclusion of the recruiting cycle, the Committee will make selections based on the Organization’s belief that leaders come for all places and all backgrounds. It shall be noted that it is the responsibility of each board member to help recruit potential board members throughout the year.
Ad Hoc Committees
Marketing and Communications Committee
Purpose: As part of the Organization’s governance and oversight process, the Marketing and Communications Committee is appointed by the Board Chair to strengthen the organization through an effective communication and marketing program.
Awards Committee
Purpose: The Awards Committee is appointed by the President to identify awards to be given by Leadership Montgomery to local businesses, non-profit organizations and individuals, as well as establishing the awards criteria and outlining the awards process.
Logistics (Event/Administrative Support)
Purpose: This committee is designed to provide periodic support to the staff on an as needed basis. Tasks could include data entry, filing, telephoning, assembling materials and other help as needed.
Alumni Committee
Purpose: The Alumni Committee is appointed by the Board Chair to utilize the organization's alumni as a significant strategic advantage on behalf of both Leadership Montgomery and the community as a whole, as well as to enhance the "networking" that began among class participants when they were enrolled in the Leadership Montgomery class. Although the Alumni Committee chair is appointed by the Board Chair, each sub-committee chair forms the core of the Alumni Committee membership.
Sub-committee membership is temporary and exists for the purpose of planning and executing specific and varied events, activities and opportunities that facilitate social interaction, networking, and collegiality among its alumni. Examples include, but are not limited to, annual reunions, the class graduations, special fundraising events, awards luncheons, socials, theme-related parties, etc.
Alumni Subcommittees
Alumni Social Committee - The sub-committee charged with the responsibility for working with the staff, board members and other alumni to plan social events for designed to foster networking and fun for alumni and class members.
Alumni Reunion Committee - The sub-committee charged with the responsibility for working with the staff, board members and other alumni to plan and execute an annual reunion for Leadership Montgomery alumni
Graduation Sub-committee - The sub-committee charged with the responsibility for working with the staff, board members and alumni to plan and execute the class graduation for Leadership Montgomery.
Alumni Reunion Sub-committee - The sub-committee charged with the responsibility for working with the staff, board members and alumni to plan and execute the periodic reunions or socials for Leadership Montgomery alumni.
Unity Breakfast Committee - The sub-committee charged with the responsibility for conceptualizing, planning, fundraising and hosting the Unity Award Breakfast celebrating various collaborations and partnerships that have been so instrumental in helping to move Montgomery forward.
Power Lunch Series - Power Lunch Series Planning Committee - The sub-committee charged with the responsibility for conceptualizing, planning and hosting all Power Lunch Series events, including identifying a location for the events and introducing the guest speakers.
Holiday Party Committee - The sub-committee charged with the responsibility for planning and executing the holiday party for Leadership Montgomery.